Saturday, 2 April 2022

April Showers

It's April already!

And so, a quick update.... as it seems a lot of stuff has happened over the past couple of weeks and I failed a bit to keep this place up to date for one reason or another. ....


Intrusive Signal's issue 3 is with me and copies are "flying" out (I guess...)//// it's had a healthy support amongst the wonderful regular readers of my zines as well as some new supporters too.  Which is always good to see.

You can also find limited reprint copies of issue 1 at both links below....



And I do have a couple of copies of both available for free in the UK if anybody would like one.  Just send me a message.  And of course, trades are most welcome too.


My harsh noise alter ego POSTMAN LOMU created a track for the MONOLITHIC BLOCKS compilation out via the French label Camembert Électrique which was released this week.  

Many thanks to them for including my track, and it sits at Track 22 out of an impressive 85 entries in the roster.  I am slowly making my way through it all, an impressive range of interpretations of the harsh / experimental spectrum indeed.  It's free to purchase / download so give it a go, although of course any contributions you make to the label would be greatly welcomed I am sure....



And also... my set for Wonder Valley Experimental, in collaboration with visual artist Arachnopus, is now up on Youtube.  Thanks to Phog Masheen for including my set, and I must say that all of the other sets on the festival are well worthy of your time too.  Some great variety in there, and it's an honour for my dismal racket to be played.  Trigger warning for flashing images.... 

You can see it >>>>> HERE <<<< 


Tump Clump Episode 12 is up next week, with some more live / exclusive / archival / unheard / demo tracks... so I shall post about that soon.

Cheers one and all



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