Tuesday, 4 February 2025


Some here may follow my Instagram page @instrusivesignals but following the recent inauguration of the US President and his shmoozing with the tech overlords and their disgusting behaviour towards ordinary humans, I have decided to finally cut my ties with the company known as Meta.  Division and hatred towards different facets of humanity is allowed to thrive in these places and I can no longer be a part of it.

Therefore you won't find any new content from me on there.  

Which is a real pity because I had quite a lot of connections with people from all over the world, and many great conversations with artists and musicians from all walks of life. 

The page is still live and available to see - I've just logged out and purposefully didn't make a note of my password.  Interesting to note that my old page @solomantump is also still alive even though i've not logged into that for years now.  Maybe one day they will be nuked from orbit.

So for now, you can just find me here on this blog.  And on my bandcamp page - 


Maybe I'll reappear somewhere else online at some point, but for now I've not missed the general toxicity associated with social media.  I will aim to update this blog a few times a month with photos, music updates and of course tracklists from The Tump Clump radio show.

Please feel free to contact me here! Or email intrusivesignals @ gmail dot com

Sunday, 2 February 2025

The Tump Clump #42 - 30/01/25

Happy new year!

Episode 42 is online at mixcloud HERE!

This months tracklist is as follows:

01 Hoodrat Messiah - Lapse (Perrenial LP, Trust Collective)

02 Thorn Bug - A Dundie Award For You  (Boar, Trust Collective)

03 Owrang - Cadence of Continuity (AM 5th Anniversary, Adventurous Music)

04 Quatrefoil & Jeanne Frémaux - Brack Water Serpents (AM 5th Anniversary, Adventurous Music)

05 Mouthus - Possible Hospital (Compilations -2002-2016)

06 Hideous Gomphidius - Inkcap Incantation (Apparitions of the Sporeborn)

07 COLDSORE - loss at low tide (LOSS)

08 Soloman Tump - The Blue Rose (Unreleased)

09 Moss Harvest - Untitled II (Aerosol EP)

10 Sebastian Tomb - Dare (Indifferent To Your Plights)

11 Plague Arish & Soloman Tump - This is what I then did to it 3 years later (Unreleased)

This time I include a track of my own paying tribute to David Lynch who passed away last week.  Director, Artist, Musician, Dreamer.  Not many days go by when I don't think about some of his work - be it Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive, Inland Empire, his music, the soundtracks to his work, endlessly entertaining and thought provoking.  I knew he will ill and it was only going to be a matter of time, but this still hit me hard.  I was also a fan of his version of Dune, as I watched it not long after reading through the books in secondary school. 

Lynch took his dreams and made them real through his work.  A true visionary who inspired me to do the same, in my own little way.  

I also mentioned in the show that I was unable to make the Acid Morris Wassail gig a few weeks back - I saw a few photos on Instagram which made it look like it was a great party.  Hope I can attend another of their events at some point.

Also, Tump Clump (long edition) never happened in January as I had some family issues to deal with.  Hopefully it sees the light of day sometime in the future as I enjoyed being able to incorporate some longer tracks and different themes into the special show.

So, a strange start to 2025.  Hopefully February will be a bit more predictable!

Saturday, 28 December 2024

24 HOUR WASSAIL PEOPLE! A live experience 18/01/2025


It's that time of year again for the Acid Morris Wassail Party!

In addition to the finest ACID MORRIS DJS guaranteed to get you dancing and the ACID MORRIS themselves dancing the traditional Morris of the 21st century,
the night will also feature the ACID MORRIS SOUNDSYSTEM LIVE with their remixes of classic folk tunes you never knew you needed,

EQUINE ECSTASY - horsey buisness.

PLUS special guest SOLOMAN TUMP bringing you a ritualistic dancefloor experience.

Wassail comes from the old phrase Waes Hael meaning Good Health!
We Wassail the apple trees for their health and bountiful harvest in the year to come
Let's wassail the important things in our lives,
Celebrate the things that bring you and your community joy and nourishment! Appease the evil spirits for one more year .
Empower ourselves and our spaces ⚡
Dance! Sing! Shout!

You can buy a ticket and find out more here! https://wegottickets.com/event/641670

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

The Tump Clump #41 - 19/12/24 - Festive Spesh


And welcome to a slightly festive edition of The Tump Clump, episode 41, first airing on SoundArt Radio FM live and direct from Dartington Hall in Totnes, Devon. And of course streamed live via the website worldwide, and also archived over on Mixcloud here - 


Slightly condensed blog post this time because im writing this on Christmas Day evening and tbh im tired/bloated from slight excess and I want to watch another episode of LOST before I pass out for good.  So, here's the tunes played on this months show:

1. There Are No Birds Here - Do You Hear What I Hear (Good Tidings Compilation, V/A via Sunfish Starfish) in aid of the Marine Conservation Society.

2. IEOGM - First and last house (Dolphins in Cornwall) - Molt Fluid

3. BRB Voicemail - Fatima (Alms of Guilt) 

4. Amhain - 11 Tal4 (Amhain Comp V)

5. Ekoplekz - CASIOPLEKZ  (Memowrekz)

12. Pettaluck - White Saviour Christmas (Good Tidings)

Thanks for tuning in to my shows in 2024, more to come in 2025 of course! Kicking off with an extended January special where I get to play some extra long tracks just because I can! Exciting times.  It will be broadcast on SoundArt (time/date tbc) but also will find its way onto Mixcloud too. 

Also a Soloman Tump live session coming soon - see separate post!

Thursday, 21 November 2024

The Tump Clump #40 - 21/11/24

My little radio show reaches its 40th edition! Its almost as old as I am in shows vs my orbits around the sun.  Almost.

This month, a revolutionary change of tact as I publish the blog at the same time as the show is on air on SoundArt Radio.  I know, right?!

So I'll do a little running commentary as the show plays through and talk a bit about the tracks for a change.

Opening up the show was a track by Shredded Nerve called Precipice.  This from the amazing F.L.A.W festival ( aka Final Live Audio War in Cleveland, OH on October 12th, 2024) double cassette compilation.  This track was actually the final one on the compilation and provides a lush throbbing opener for this show.  Shredded Nerve is a US based artist that I really should know more about - they have released on NoRent Records and New Forces, 2 labels I'm a fan of, plus being part of this festival lineup means I will no doubt like what I hear elsewhere! To be continued. 

Next up "untitled" by NEXUS RASP, a self released experiment that I found enticing at first because of the use of Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks in the artwork.  But its also a very cool collage style track in its own right. NEXUS RASP is a California based artist with just a few releases on their Bandcamp page

Strange Devicers next with a track from the new album called New Urgences. Strange Devicers are Matt Atkins and Andy Rowe, and i've played some bits from them before on the Tump Clump, namely from the Orchid Terrace Preface album which was released on Steep Gloss last year.  This new album comes via Kirigirisu Recordings of Japan on CDr and at the time of writing there are a handful left...

I discovered Haddow on an Instagram live stream, from a show put on by James Shearman at New River Studios I think.... and I was captivated by this live performance despite the poor sound and audio quality of the stream.  I purchased this latest album called "o sono no arco" and the track I played on tonights show is Kitsch Corner.  Haddow creates most of his sounds with home made (string?) instruments, and applies affects, loops and layers to create haunting murkiness.  Beautiful dismal sounds! But also rhythmic and ritualistic.  Very much a recommended release.

Any long time listeners of The Tump Clump will know that I am a fan of digital compilations.  An often brilliant way of discovering a whole raft of new artists for a bargain price.  This was the Eroding The Walls compilations from Outsider Industries of Arizona, and I played "Gates Pass" by the artist Oscillator for you tonight.  I love digging through these label  / theme compilations to find suitable delights for my show. 

A couple next from one of my new favourite UK tape labels - Brachliegen Tapes.  The label set the bar really high right from when they started, and have maintained a consistently high schedule of quality throughout.  The latest batch includes David Walraf with a tense lumbering excursion, and Gorgeous Gorgeous from South Korea with a frantic noisy barrage.  Two high quality releases once again, and this time I have to thank Muhmur Radio with linking me up with download codes for these.  I usually do purchase everything that I play on the show, unless it has been gifted of course!  I support artists and labels, and share with you some of my favourite bits on the hope that you will support them too.

Static Fever by A Vibrant Struggle! Fantastic tape I discovered recently via Grisaille Records of Germany.  Another label that I need to explore the catalogue of.  There really is so much great stuff being recorded and released still.  You just have to find it.  This is a long sold out tape released in May 2023 by a trio of sound artists credited as Sindre Bjerga, Jan-M. Iversen & Steffan de Turck.  Really great dense sounds and as I type this I have just found a whole raft of their releases on Bandcamp that I need to dive into next...

Then a favourite of mine for this time of year,  a track from At A Glacial Pace by Topiary.  Cold noise drones for the bleak midwinter.  This track is "Retreading the Old Path".  Maybe ive played half of that album on this show by now.  Its beautiful and haunting and would definitely make it onto a Tump Clump best of :)  Topiary is a collaboration between Death Knell and Moss Harvest, two artists who produce amazing music by themselves also. 

Some crumbling noise wall next courtesy of Rural Noise with "No Fishing".  This taken from the digital portion of Plastic Bag: A HNW Tribute to Vomir compilation.  This ended up as a 37 track album from artists all over the world providing exactly 5 minute long harsh-noise-wall tributes to Vomir, one of which was me! My first ever HNW release and it made it onto a compilation for the figurehead of the scene.  Quite gobsmacking really.  "No Fishing" is quite a soft take on the HNW ethic but one that I find fascinating.  Static loops and filtered breaking things make for a really interest aesthetic.  

Last track, as promised to bookend tonight's show, is from the almighty Fleshlicker with a track called Hair Love.  If you were at the F.L.A.W Festival or any of the myriad UK performances from this artist over the past few years, you will know how impressive a battering of the senses this artist provides.  The sound, whilst massive and uncompromising by itself, is definitely only a part of the Fleshlicker experience. 

So until next time, A Christmas special perhaps?!

Thanks for listening and reading if you made it this far. 

Soloman Tump

Thursday, 14 November 2024

The Tump Clump #39 - 24/10/24


The Tump Clump #39 was broadcast on FM via the beautiful SoundArt Radio from Dartington Hall, Totnes, on 24th October 2024, also digitally via their website at https://www.soundartradio.org.uk/ and then archived on the MixCloud at https://www.mixcloud.com/Soundart_Radio/the-tump-clump-39-241024/ 

So there were/are multiple ways for you to listen to it.  If needed, perhaps I could record it to a tape and post it to you? I am happy to do that also.  On this show, you can hear the following songs interspersed with a few spoken words from me, Soloman Tump. 

I think on this particular occasion, everything played can be found on Bandcamp for you to purchase/stream, apart from the track by me which was an exclusive for this show.

I hope you enjoyed listening and see you next time!

  • Shaun Robert - pîåfffé (Art Brut)
  • Hedra Rowan - YESTERDAYS ASSURANCES MEAN NOTHING TO US NOW (This Beautiful Moment Sours)
  • Hoodrat Messiah - Earl Grey (Gospel EP)
  • LIKE WEEDS - ITS WHAT YOU DID (Bog Standard)
  • Distant Animals - Ranby Prison (Public Sector Prisons...) (Even Shit Sunsets Look Pretty in Retrospect)
  • Beattie / Canon / Hignell - 10 48 (Brexshitting) (Even Shit Sunsets Look Pretty in Retrospect)
  • Appleblim - Sharp Tor (Hexworthy)
  • Ekoplekz - Frampton Kotterell (Dirtbokz)
  • Ibiza Shock Troops - 12/12 (Travel)
  • Soloman Tump - Mundayne (Unreleased)
  • Moral Order - Black Fire (2017-2020 archive) Old Captain
  • Matt Atkins Stuart Chalmers - Ante-Choir (Random Architecture)

Monday, 30 September 2024

The Tump Clump #38 : 26/09/24

The Tump Clump episode 38 can be found in archival format HERE and contains the following audio information.  

It was first broadcast on https://www.soundartradio.org.uk/ 102.5fm from Dartington Estate, Totnes, Devon, and also via DAB.

<start transmission>

01 Heavy Cloud - out of the ash (HT101) - 06 a golden lotus grows

02 Shaun Robert - Torque

03 Chafik Chennouf & Katsunori Sawa - For The Mimics - 03 Pseudo Operations

04 Death Tape Super Bass - GUTS - 03 Horrible Mess

05 Ekoplekz - Push Into The Bleak - 04 Fixed Identity

06 Leather Parisi - Hidden Hex - 01 Glittershit

07 SAINT VEHK - ON057 - Practice-Doubt I&II - 01 Ferocious Attire Hides Deep Nothing

08 Mass Graven Image - The Executioners Right To Anonymity - 01 Haunting Civics

09 Surachai - Come, Deathless - 04 Casts of Broken Timelines

10 Yhorm - ON058 - Dagon - 04 Of Mossy Stone And Ancient Trees

11 Heavy Cloud - out of the ash (HT101) - 11 the window is starless still

<end transmission>