Tuesday, 4 February 2025


Some here may follow my Instagram page @instrusivesignals but following the recent inauguration of the US President and his shmoozing with the tech overlords and their disgusting behaviour towards ordinary humans, I have decided to finally cut my ties with the company known as Meta.  Division and hatred towards different facets of humanity is allowed to thrive in these places and I can no longer be a part of it.

Therefore you won't find any new content from me on there.  

Which is a real pity because I had quite a lot of connections with people from all over the world, and many great conversations with artists and musicians from all walks of life. 

The page is still live and available to see - I've just logged out and purposefully didn't make a note of my password.  Interesting to note that my old page @solomantump is also still alive even though i've not logged into that for years now.  Maybe one day they will be nuked from orbit.

So for now, you can just find me here on this blog.  And on my bandcamp page - 


Maybe I'll reappear somewhere else online at some point, but for now I've not missed the general toxicity associated with social media.  I will aim to update this blog a few times a month with photos, music updates and of course tracklists from The Tump Clump radio show.

Please feel free to contact me here! Or email intrusivesignals @ gmail dot com

Sunday, 2 February 2025

The Tump Clump #42 - 30/01/25

Happy new year!

Episode 42 is online at mixcloud HERE!

This months tracklist is as follows:

01 Hoodrat Messiah - Lapse (Perrenial LP, Trust Collective)

02 Thorn Bug - A Dundie Award For You  (Boar, Trust Collective)

03 Owrang - Cadence of Continuity (AM 5th Anniversary, Adventurous Music)

04 Quatrefoil & Jeanne Frémaux - Brack Water Serpents (AM 5th Anniversary, Adventurous Music)

05 Mouthus - Possible Hospital (Compilations -2002-2016)

06 Hideous Gomphidius - Inkcap Incantation (Apparitions of the Sporeborn)

07 COLDSORE - loss at low tide (LOSS)

08 Soloman Tump - The Blue Rose (Unreleased)

09 Moss Harvest - Untitled II (Aerosol EP)

10 Sebastian Tomb - Dare (Indifferent To Your Plights)

11 Plague Arish & Soloman Tump - This is what I then did to it 3 years later (Unreleased)

This time I include a track of my own paying tribute to David Lynch who passed away last week.  Director, Artist, Musician, Dreamer.  Not many days go by when I don't think about some of his work - be it Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive, Inland Empire, his music, the soundtracks to his work, endlessly entertaining and thought provoking.  I knew he will ill and it was only going to be a matter of time, but this still hit me hard.  I was also a fan of his version of Dune, as I watched it not long after reading through the books in secondary school. 

Lynch took his dreams and made them real through his work.  A true visionary who inspired me to do the same, in my own little way.  

I also mentioned in the show that I was unable to make the Acid Morris Wassail gig a few weeks back - I saw a few photos on Instagram which made it look like it was a great party.  Hope I can attend another of their events at some point.

Also, Tump Clump (long edition) never happened in January as I had some family issues to deal with.  Hopefully it sees the light of day sometime in the future as I enjoyed being able to incorporate some longer tracks and different themes into the special show.

So, a strange start to 2025.  Hopefully February will be a bit more predictable!