Wednesday 1 December 2021


As mentioned in a previous blog post, I recently created my first DIY cassette tape for release.  After a few teething problems, I am pretty chuffed with the outcome.

There was one more hiccup after I finished that previous blog article - I posted 10 copies of the tape to BLACKCLOUDSUMMONER (who also lives in England) and after 9 days they had still not arrived...

So here's a bit of advice; always get a tracking number when posting with Royal Mail.  I was able to track the parcel and found that RM for some reason had not attempting to redeliver after there was no answer on the door after the first attempt.  We nudged them, and the tapes were dispatched again.  

After the fun I had working on the Lee Riley split, this one came around pretty soon after and I hope to get some more splits together soon.  TALK TO ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED!


So without further ado....


My track on the tape is called Engorge, and is my gratuitous attempt at some harsh noise.  As usual though, I had to include a few rhythmic elements, and moments of relative calm... Weighing in at nearly 16 minutes, its fairly heavy going.  

I created the sounds with my home made "Spyrimba" percussive device, which is formed from 6 pieces of stainless steel strip, crudely rolled to form different notes, bolted to a base place.  Add a contact mic and a bunch of effects and hey presto - plucked noise.  

I added some clicks, loops, field recordings, some synth growls from my Neutron and probably some other bits too.  I tried doing it all live but had to layer and manipulate after because I screwed up. Hey ho. The final track now exists in this format and I like it.

The digital release also includes a track called Grit which was me trying out some live vocal work over a noise blast.  Dismal power electronics? Maybe. but I don't do screaming.  Not yet.

You can also grab the tape from BLACKCLOUDSUMMONER as well as browse his awesome discography HERE.

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